自身のバンド、Mahogany Organ Allstarsにて、2016年日本最大級のジャズコンテストである札幌シティージャズ パークジャズコンテストにて、グランプリを獲得。
国内での活動では2017年長澤まさみ、小池徹平主演舞台 キャバレーにて、全公演ドラムを担当。
共演者 (敬称略)
長澤まさみ、小池徹平、ミッキー吉野(ゴダイゴ)、浅野孝己(ゴダイゴ)、Char、中川晃教、藤あや子、新妻聖子、押尾コータロー、TOKU etc..
Maho Okada is a Japanese drummer known for her ability to play not only funk, jazz, and pops, but also a lot of ethnic styles of music like african or latin etc.
As a teenager, Maho taught herself to play drums. When she turned 18 years old, she joined a jazz big band and started journey to the world of jazz music.
At the age of 22, she formed an organ-jazz band called “Mahogany Organ All-stars”. The band immediately got attentions of music funs in Japan. In 2016 they won a jazz competition, Park Jazz Live Contest in Sapporo, Japan. As a prize for it, they performed on Jazz Fest Vienna which Herbie Hancock and George Benson appeared.
Her activities as a freelance drummer also often spreads across the world. She have traveled for gigs to Spain, Mexico, America and many more countries. Her enthusiasm for ethnic percussions lead herself to study djembe in Senegal.
Being active in Tokyo, Maho play gigs and jams with a lot of leading edges of Japanese musicians such as Char and Mickie Yoshino.